
Catholic AudioBook: Miracles Through the Brown Scapular


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A collection of stories of various miracles of the Brown Scapular from the Carmelite stories found in Archives.  Wild animals are tamed, burning buildings are put out and numerous sinners are converted through the brown scapular!

Miracles Through the Brown Scapular

The Brown Scapular of Our Lady of Mt Carmel is a great sign of salvation!

“Take this Scapular, it shall be a sign of salvation, a protection in danger and a pledge of peace. Whosoever dies wearing this scapular shall not suffer eternal fire.” Our Lady of Mt Carmel to St Simon Stock.

The Miracles of the brown scapular are numerous. Saints, popes and the pious faithful have both worn and have recommended this sign of devotion to Our Lady of Mt Carmel for hundreds of years. Many Catholics are aware of the great promises associated with the wearing of the brown scapular, and may be aware of one or two miracles of the brown scapular. But, despite the wide spread use of this sacramental and pious devotion, there is no shortage of critical and even skeptical Catholics who do not make use of this garment of salvation.

Favors from Our Lady are daily visible around us, but by all save a chosen few they pass by unheeded. We hear from time to time of special acts of protection, of answers to prayers, and various blessings. These incidents deepen devotion, increase our confidence and trust in the intercession of our loving Mother Mary; when these stories are retold they increase her glory in a small way. Our goal with this Catholic audiobook on miracles of the brown scapular is to deepen devotion to the brown scapular and to our Lady of Mt Carmel and to provide testimonies of the numerous graces received through this powerful sacramental.

Most of the miracles of the brown scapular have been taken from the various sources, letters, newspaper articles, and books that were put in periodicals by the Carmelite order in the 1800’s. This is only a small selection of the numerous stories of conversions, preservation from danger, restoration of health and most importantly the grace of dying a good death that God has been pleased to work through of the brown scapular of Our Lady of Mt Carmel. We hope that this Catholic audiobook will deepen your devotion to the brown scapular and that you will wear it with greater reverence, kiss it with greater tenderness and give thanks to God for being enrolled in the Confraternity of the Brown Scapular. If you do not wear it already, we hope these numerous testimonies of miracles of the brown scapular will make you rush to get one and become enrolled.

Our Lady of Mt Carmel, pray for us!


The Audiobook is a collection of various sources that were compiled by going through articles and essays in the Carmelite Review: A journal put out by the Carmelite order in the USA during the late 1800’s.

Small Picture on sidebar taken from here with attribution license

About Alleluia Audio

Alleluia Audiobooks is an apostolate dedicated to the distribution of Catholic Material. It is recognized as a non profit corporation 501(c)3 and is entirely the effort of Catholic volunteers.

4 Responses to Catholic AudioBook: Miracles Through the Brown Scapular

  1. Pingback: Ann

  2. Pingback: Danny D

  3. Pingback: Scapular of Mount Carmel | CatholicSaints.Info

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