Category: Virtues

Catholic Audiobook: The Twelve Degrees of Pride and Humility by St. Bernard
August 17, 2014


Click to Download: The Twelve Degrees of Pride and Humility by St Bernard of Clairvaux

Humility makes a man great, while pride makes even angels hateful and odious.   If the devil can trick us into pride under the guise of humility we are in great danger of losing our souls, do not trust what the world says about true humility but rather the the wise and often time witty instructions of the great St Bernard.  

Short Catholic Homilies: Perseverance in Prayer
May 6, 2013

Short Catholic Homilies:  Perseverance in Prayer

Download MP3 of Short Catholic Homiles: Perseverance in Prayer  (Right Click and Select Save As)
In this short Catholic Homily we learn why God does not always grant all of our prayers quickly.
” (Prayer) is like the fall of a tree in the woods under the blows of the axe: the tree will come down, but not at the first, the second, the tenth, or perhaps even the hundredth stroke.”
The Full Text of Short Catholic Homily: Perseverance in Prayer
Yet if he shall continue, knocking, I say to you, although he will not rise and give him, because he is his friend; yet because of his importunity he will rise; and give him as many as he needeth.

Short Catholic Homilies: Reverence for the Holy Name of God
January 20, 2013

Catholic Homily: Reverence for the Holy Name of God

Summary of Catholic Homily
In this homily we first consider that even wretched sinners keep up appearances with God by practicing one of two good things (like abstaining from meat on Friday) or avoiding some particular sin.  

Short Catholic Homilies: The Catholic Home
January 12, 2013

Catholic Homily: The Catholic Home

Summary of a Catholic Homily for the Feast of the Holy Family.
A good homily for the Feast of the Holy Family.  In this homily we are given the comparison of a Priests duty to the altar with that of the husband and wife to the home.  

Short Catholic Homily : 2nd Week of Advent Cowardly Catholics
December 7, 2012

Catholic Sermon

Summary of Homily
St John the Baptist was praised by Jesus Christ our Lord for not yielding to human respect and preaching the truth.  The homilist points out that if our Lord came back today he would not find this same virtue even among those who are considered “good Christians.”  Our salvation depends on bearing witness to Christ.

Be Ye Wise as Serpents: A Spiritual Conference on the Virtue of Prudence
September 20, 2012

It is our duty as Christians to strive after perfection and to convert ourselves and others unto Jesus Christ!  The surest road to Heaven is the one that God has laid out for us in His plan of salvation.  All are called to keep the commandments, most are called to marriage, some to the priesthood and some to martyrdom.…
