Thy raiment * is white as snow, and thy countenance as the sun. 2nd Antiphone, Feast of the Immaculate Conception 1962 Office
I fain would sing a sweet new song
Thy loving Heart to greet,
I fain would cull the flowers fair,
And lay them at thy feet.
And of the precious virgin-gold
And shining jewels rare,
Would form a royal diadem,
To grace thy forehead fair.
But ah ! the heart-strings seem unstrung
And faint the music now,
I cannot place a golden crown
Upon thy queenly brow.
The first flowers fade too soon —
What shall the offerings be
From this poor exiled child of earth
O purest Heart, to thee?
I’ll offer all the burning love
Of Jesus’ Heart for thine,
And in that golden censer place
The little spark of mine.
And these, O Heart Immaculate,
Shall be my gifts to thee ;
Oh I pray thy sweetest Son to grant
His love and thine to me.
— Enfant de Marie.
Taken from Volume I of the Carmelite Review, 1893, August Edition
Photo Taken at: St Frances Xavier Cabrini Church in Crestline California by Alleluia Audio Books editor.