Alleluia Audiobooks is recognized as a 501(C)3 non profit corporation. All donations are tax deductible.

The figure of Charity. Depicted as a woman, holds a crucifix in one hand and gives a beggar with the other. The scroll above the head proclaims. Whoever has Charity covers a multitude of sins.
Your donation will be used for
- Web Maintenance
- CD Making supplies (or you can buy from our amazon wishlist here)
- Online Advertising to help drive more traffic for our free downloads and spread the Catholic Faith.
- Attendance at Catholic Conferences (The Catholic Family Conference, Catholic Homeschool Conference etc)
- Other expenses (postage,etc).
Unlike other non profits none of the Board of Directors or volunteers receive any financial compensation for their help in running Alleluia Audiobooks.
May God reward you in this life and the in the next for your generosity, and please consider praying for our Apostolate.