The first way you can help is to use what we have published for your own sanctification. That way, the Lord sees that we are bringing forth fruit for Him and He will bless our efforts. Please pray that those who work on this apostolate become true disciples of Jesus Christ, and that many people will make good use of these audio books to bring them to true repentance for their sins.
“The harvest indeed is great, but the labourers are few. Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that He send labourers into His harvest.” Luke 10:2
We are looking for apostles who will spread the resources available here to their friends, family and maybe even to strangers. This can be done by sharing them on Facebook, sending out an e-mail or just telling others about the website. We also have instructions on how to make CD’s that can be played in most CD players.
It is our hope and prayer that you too will distribute CD’s and share our website with others and thus spark the fire of true conversion unto Christ.
Please consider leaving us comments that will help make our audiobooks more effective. May the Lord Jesus Christ Bless you for coming to this page, and may He give you strength in the spreading of His Gospel.