Tag: Saint Kateri Tekakwitha

St. Kateri Tekakwitha Quotes
November 5, 2012

St. Kateri Tekakwitha was a Mohawk convert to Catholicism. Her natural disposition inclined her to be shy and to not speak much. She was instructed in her Catechism orally, with pictures and with hymns as most of the Indians were at that time.  …

Saint Kateri Tekakwitha : The Lily at the Foot of the Cross Part 9
October 25, 2012

A True Spouse of Jesus Christ

Saint Kateri meets some nuns and plans to start her own convent.  When the convent idea is not able to work, she persists in asking to take a vow of virginity. 
Reflections on Chapter: After taking her vow of perpetual virginity Saint Kateri finally feels free.  …

Saint Kateri Tekakwitha: The Lily at the Foot of the Cross Part 6
October 18, 2012

A Journey and a new Companion
Her escape with Hot Ashes; arrival at the Iroquois colony, and introduction to the Priests there. A spiritual friend, Anastasia, and her growth in holiness.
May God Bless those friends that he puts in our path that help us grow in holiness.  …

Saint Kateri Takekwitha: Lily at the Foot of the Cross Part 4
October 13, 2012

A New Name and a New Life
Kateri’s encounter with Father de Lamberville when she was 18.  Her fervent conversion and her early baptism.

After a year of desiring and striving to be given the opportunity for baptism in a chapel adorned with Elk skins and wildflowers out humble maiden receives the life giving waters of baptism surrounded by her kinsmen.…

Saint Kateri Tekakwitha Part 1: The Martyrdom of St Isaac Jogues and the Birth of the Christian Iroquois.
October 6, 2012

Introduction :  The Brutal Martyrdom of Isaac Jogues, The Brutal Martyrdom of the Roman Martyrs, The worship of false Gods and the Light of Christianity

Click Here to Download the Entire Catholic Audiobook on Mp3 : St. Kateri the Lily at the Foot of the Cross…
In this chapter of our Catholic Audiobook we learn of heroic Martyrdom of St Isaac Jogues at the hands of the pagan Native Americans.  

Saint Kateri Tekakwitha: The Lily at the Foot of the Cross
October 5, 2012

In a few weeks on October 21, 2012, Blessed Kateri Tekakwitha will be canonized. What will the world say when she is canonized? If current articles on her are any indication, she is “known for” teaching children and caring for the sick, and that she had a streak of feminism in her [2].
