Tag: Sermon

Short Catholic Homilies: Reverence for the Holy Name of God
January 20, 2013

Catholic Homily: Reverence for the Holy Name of God

Summary of Catholic Homily
In this homily we first consider that even wretched sinners keep up appearances with God by practicing one of two good things (like abstaining from meat on Friday) or avoiding some particular sin.  

Short Catholic Homilies: The Catholic Home
January 12, 2013

Catholic Homily: The Catholic Home

Summary of a Catholic Homily for the Feast of the Holy Family.
A good homily for the Feast of the Holy Family.  In this homily we are given the comparison of a Priests duty to the altar with that of the husband and wife to the home.  

Short Catholic Homilies: Joy in God’s Service
November 8, 2012

Short Catholic Sermon : Joy in Gods Service

Editors Reflection :  Its easy to be grim in a world so afflicted with sin.  Discouragement comes when we fall from temptation and fear when we see how little progress we have made in possessing that true Charity and virtue which our Lord Jesus Christ has demanded of us.…

Short Catholic Homilies: Catholic Evangelization
November 8, 2012

Short Catholic Sermon : Every Catholic Must Evangelize 
Editors Reflection:  This homily on Catholic Evangelization is over 100 years old, but does not need much adaption for the times today.    One of the terrible consequences of not preaching on Hell and eternal damnation regularly is a loss of the sense of urgency to bring conversion to those in darkness and repentance to those who having the true faith have lost all of their sanctifying grace by falling into grievous sin.…

Short Catholic Homilies : Help the Poor Souls in Purgatory
October 28, 2012

Praying for the dead is one of the 7 spiritual works of mercy.

We lose nothing, dear brethren, by praying for them; be assured we are rather the gainers, for not only do they pray for us, but more— our charity towards them deepens in our souls our love for God, and makes us thirst the more after virtue and holiness, and wins for us a higher place in heaven and a brighter crown of everlasting glory.…

Short Catholic Homilies : Forgiving Injuries
October 21, 2012

To forgive offenses willingly is one of the 7 spiritual works of mercy, and it is one that we have a lot of opportunity to practice.
“If we bear malice towards anyone, we are not worthy of the name of Christians”  Transcript…
This Traditional Catholic Homily reminds us of what appears to be a most stern requirement, and one that is very at odds with our fallen human nature.  

Short Homilies: Presumption
September 29, 2012

Why would short sermons that commenced over a century ago still be worthwhile to hear today?   To use an old cliche, “the more things change the more they stay the same”. The Apostolic Faith of our Fathers has been passed down to us and as such what holds true to previous generations holds true to us.  …
